nachname: Farstad
vorname: Per Kjetil
haupttitel: German Galant Lute Music in the 18th Century.
nebentitel: A study of the period, the style, central lutenists, ornaments, idiomatic, and problems that arise when adapting lute music from this period to the ..
reihen_tit: (= Studies from the Departement of Musicology, University of Göteborg 58)
diss: Zugl.: Göteborg, Univ. Diss., 2000
bandanzahl: 2
ersch_ort: Göteborg
verlag: Departement of Musicology, University of Göteborg
ersch_jahr: 2000
ne: Fortsetzung: ..modern eight-stringed classical guitar
musiker: Johann Sigismund Weiss, Paul Charles Durant
orte: Düsseldorf, Mannheim, Innsbruck, Koblenz
sachen: Laute

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