nachname: Owens
vorname: Samantha
haupttitel: Upgrading from Consorts to Orchestra at the Württemberg Court
zs_fs_tit: From Renaissance to Baroque. Change in Instruments and Instrumental Music in the Seventeenth Century
hrsg: Jonathan Wainwright, Peter Holman
ersch_ort: Aldershot, Burlington
verlag: Ashgate Publishing Limited
ersch_jahr: 2005
seite: 227–240
ne: Proceedings of the Nat. Early Music Association Conf. held, ... at the Uni. College of Ripon 1999
musiker: Kusser, Venturini, Pez, Störl, Brescianello, Keiser
personen: Schwartzkopff, Campioli, Ricci, Rubini
orte: Stuttgart
sachen: Orchester, Besetzung, Instrumente

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